Tonight, I saw something amazing... It's Tai-Chi ! I won't say anything more, just be patient ! (But it's really impressive)
(Aha, and see I wrote in ENGLISH ! Not so difficult for this article... The long article, I don't like to write in english, but this is okay ! A bit lazy ? Probably...)
Otherwise, today my classmates got the vaccine against the H1N1 grippe. First I wanted too, but afterwards, I decided not to get it... Because it's a really bad and unprepared vaccine.
A nice video just below. I'm sorry, only in french ! (A bit strange on an english article, I know...)
A regarder impérativement les gens ! Et si vous avez toujours envie de vous faire vacciner, bin... le faites quand même pas !
(Waouh, un article bilingue, c'est troop bien ! Bientôt trilingue, promis.)
4 commentaires:
Je pensais qu'avec la médecine chinoise, il y avait bien mieux que la vaccination!
Aha, pas pour ça...
Mais il parait que celui développé a Taiwan est "plutôt" bien. Enfin bon, j'ai lu que le président a dit cela, mais après...
En tout cas, tous les lycéens sont allé se faire la petite piqure.
this time i can understand them all~^^(i mean the eng=p)
and about the vaccine...
it's made in taiwan....!=p
i meant why you think it's bad?
because some people felt dizzy after they got it?
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